Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

About Rustica Furniture

Rustica Indonesia is a factory which built in 1997, and on that year Rustica Indonesia has been known in Asia as a factory which has indoor (special design) product. In our journey, we were accepted so many orders from many buyers from different country.

Rustica Indonesia also makes garden furniture as order. We had already done all of the order from buyers. It is not only from Asia but also from Australia, Europe, America and also another country. Our product has been working by the experienced worker, that’s why people call “Great Create” for our product.

Although Indonesia has two season, dry and rainy, but we still keep our COMMITMENT to finish all job and order on time. We always try hard to do and finish the order although it is in limit time, because we have great workers who are ready to do the order and give the best.

We keep our quality and quantity for the relationship between us and buyers. Our basic material (teak & mahogany) or our wood is coming from Forrest Department and we also have the certificate.
Please give your trust on us, and we will give you the “Great Create”.
"We are not give you only words but also the prove". 


 Garden Furniture
Garden Furniture

Our Product.
Garden Furniture & Indoor Furniture

Garden Furniture Product.

Folding Chair

Harmpton Chair

Rara Chair
Summery Chair

Oval Ext
Double Oval Ext

Indoor Furniture Product.

If information detail please email to rusticafurniture97@gmail.com

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